Antón Castro



[Me escribe la profesora Rosa Burillo] Organizamos un Congreso en la Complutense, mujeres poetas del siglo XX y XXI y cómo los mitos clásicos tienen su proyección en la obra de ellas. Se inaugura el día 25 de abril, este próximo martes, a las 16.00 de la tarde en Filología, con la presencia del Señor Decano que presenta a la primera conferenciante, la poeta AURORA LUQUE. Va a ser muy interesante, vienen de Canadá, París etc.]



International Conference


“On Sappho’s Website: Women Poets and Myth in the 20th and 21st Centuries”




April 25


16:00 Welcome


16:30 Plenary opening Lecture. Chair: Esther Sánchez-Pardo, UCM

Aurora Luque, poet: “Pandora’s New Box: Personal and Political Myths”


17:30 Coffee Break


18:00 Session 1. Chair: Silvia Herreros de Tejada, Universidad Nebrija

James Papoutsis, York U.: “Annie Finch, New Formalism, and American Yuppie Poetry of the 1980s” 

Robin Tremblay-McGaw, Santa Clara U.: “‘Scarcely silent though often unheard’: Eurydice and Echo in the Poems of Harryette Mullen and Kathleen Fraser”


April 26


9:00   Session 2. Chair:  Melania Stancu, U. Bucharest

Rosa Burillo, UCM: “Sylvia Plath and the agony of life”

Manuel Botero Camacho, U. Complutense: “Searching for the Myth through A. S. Byatt´s Poets”

Melania Stancu, U. Bucharest: “Mythology and everyday life in Ana Blandiana´s poetry”


11:00 Coffee Break


11:30 Plenary Lecture. . Chair: María Porras, UCM.

Robert Silhol, U. Paris VII: “Structure of Myth: Literature As Representation”


12:30 Session 3. Chair:   Sara Torres, Queen Mary U.

Stephanie McKenzie, Memorial U.: “Renouncing and Re-writing Myth: Imagining Anew and Employing Feminist Agency in Natalie Diaz's When My Brother Was an Aztec”

María Porras, UCM: “The Windigo and the Hydra: Myth, identity and heritage in the poetry of Louise Erdrich” 

Sara Torres, Queen Mary U.: “Toward a Corporeal Feminism?: Myth and the Irruption of the Semiotic in Gloria Anzaldúa's Poetry”


14:00 Lunch


15:30 Parallel Session 4. Chair:  María Goicoechea, UCM


Laura Sánchez y María Goicoechea, U. Complutense: “El Ciborg español: Voces femeninas en la literatura digital española”

Rosario Guarino, U. Murcia: “Tejer y destejer: tradición y reescritura de mitos clásicos en la poesía de Aurora Saura, Ana Mª Alcaraz y Mª Cruz Agüera”

Mathilde Ferez, U. Complutense: “Clitemnestra o el crimen» de Marguerite Yourcenar: ¿emancipación o pasión de una mujer?”


Parallel Session 5. Chair:  Cristina Gámez, U. Córdoba


Leonor M. Martínez Serrano, U. Córdoba: “Following the Old Stones Skyward: Mythmaking in Gwendolyn MacEwen’s Poetry”

Cristina M. Gámez-Fernández, U. Córdoba: “Wanderers, Vagabonds, Seekers and Pilgrims: The Myth of the Quest in Denise Levertov”

Marián Martínez & Esther Sánchez-Pardo, U. Complutense: “Niedecker’s Allegorical Vision: Re-framing Myth and the Material in Objectivism. A Cross Linguistic-Literary Proposal”


17:30 Coffee Break


18:00 Poetry Reading. Introduced by Margarita Ardanaz and Rosa Burillo, UCM

Noni Benegas, Rosana Acquaroni, Isabel Navarro, Yaiza Martínez, Emilia Conejo, María García Zambrano.


April 27


9:00   Session 6. Chair: Francisco J. Cortés

Francisco J. Cortés, U. Complutense: “Dorothy Parker’s Poetry against Resisting Myths in Women’s Magazines”

Elisa Ortiz, U. Complutense: “Praise be to young Eros who fucks all the girls”: sex, love, and myth in Lenore Kandel’s poetry”

Mayron E. Cantillo, U. Valencia: “Refashioning the Christian Myth of the Apocalypse: Desolation, Repentance and Spiritual Awakening in Michael Field’s Poems of Adoration (1912)”

Mario Millanes, U. Complutense: “Helene Johnson, rara avis del Renacimiento de Harlem: Langston Hughes frente a la nueva mujer afroamericana”


10:30 Coffee Break


11:00 Session 7. Chair:  Pilar Sánchez Calle, U. Jaén

Javier Martín Párraga, U. Córdoba: “The Myth of Nature in Canada: M. Atwood's The Journals of Susanna Moodie

Pilar Sánchez Calle, U. Jaén: “Mythic Subtexts in Margaret Atwood's The Door (2007)”. 


12:00 Session 8. Chair:  Rosa Burillo, UCM

Liz Schoppelrei, Pennsylvania State U.: “Myth through Revision: Nelly Sachs’s “Lieder Vom Abschied,” the Myth of Procne and Philomela, and the Trauma of Compounding Loss”

Hope Jennings, Wright U.: “Voices from the Wilderness: Post/colonial Trauma, Spectral Witness, and Environmental Apocalypse in Margaret Atwood’s “Circe/Mud Poems” and The Journals of Susanna Moodie

Christina Luiggi, Wright U.: “Reclaiming Mythic Sexual Legacies: (De)Colonizing Kinship, Kink, and Creation Myth in Chrystos’s In Her I Am


13:30 Lunch 

15:00 Parallel Session 9. Chair:  Miriam Fernández-Santiago, U. Granada 

José Manuel Rodríguez Herrera, U. Las Palmas: “The Goddess Ishtar in Lesbos: The Transgender Muse in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath and Denise Levertov”

Miriam Fernández-Santiago, U. Granada: “A Post-human Approach to Feminist Myth Re-Vision”

Beatriz Revelles, U. Barcelona: “The cyborg and the goddess: Toni Morrison’s Jandine”



Parallel Session 10. Chair:  Marián Martínez, UCM


Dolores Juan-Moreno, Clark U.:” From Papyrus To Celluloid: Classical and Contemporary Myths in Aurora Luque’s Poetry”

Maria Elsy Cardona, St. Louis U.: “Poetry and Translation:  Aurora Luque’s Art of Making the Old New”

Josefa Alvarez, Syracuse U.: “Mito y viaje en la poesía de Aurora Luque”







17:00 Coffee Break


17:30 James Womack, poet: “On Eurydice”

18:00 In conversation with Nicole Brossard (with Carmen Mata, U. Autónoma de Madrid)


19:00 Farewell


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